SKM is known for is Philanthropic and Benevolent contribution to social , charitable and health causes.
Moved with the saying of Swami Vivekanandha ‘If you want to serve the humanity, let your charity begin with the downtrodden, economically weak and less privilege people’ inspired by the words of swami Vivekanandha SKM started Health and mind welfare charity trust in the year 1989 (non profitable organization) for its philanthropic activities. To serve the less privileged SKM started SKM Sevai Maiyam ( Meaning-Service centre) in the year 1999 which is a funded by SKM health and mind welfare charity trust.
SKM service centre (Sevai Maiyam) has adopted and supports two less privileged hamlets at Swaminathapuram – Erode. Food, cloth and shelter is provided for all 219 families with 700 family members. The centre has built separate houses for all the 219 families with separate toilets, smokeless Choola for cooking and well connected with drainage facility. The service centre has a furnished library and a community hall.

Computer Lab
Computer Lab


Deivanai Ammal Unavu Kudam
Deivanai Ammal Unavu Kudam

Tailoring classes
Tailoring classes
SKM is known for is Philanthropic and Benevolent contribution to social , charitable and health causes.
Moved with the saying of Swami Vivekanandha ‘If you want to serve the humanity, let your charity begin with the downtrodden, economically weak and less privilege people’ inspired by the words of swami Vivekanandha SKM started Health and mind welfare charity trust in the year 1989 (non profitable organization) for its philanthropic activities. To serve the less privileged SKM started SKM Sevai Maiyam ( Meaning-Service centre) in the year 1999 which is a funded by SKM health and mind welfare charity trust.
SKM service centre (Sevai Maiyam) has adopted and supports two less privileged hamlets at Swaminathapuram – Erode. Food, cloth and shelter is provided for all 219 families with 700 family members. The centre has built separate houses for all the 219 families with separate toilets, smokeless Choola for cooking and well connected with drainage facility. The service centre has a furnished library and a community hall.

SKM Sevai Maiyam
SKM Sevai Maiyam

Swami Vivekanadar Kalvi Kudam
Swami Vivekanadar Kalvi Kudam

Swami Vivekanadar Kalvi Kudam
Swami Vivekanadar Kalvi Kudam

Deivanai Ammal Unavu Kudam
Deivanai Ammal Unavu Kudam